Кључне речи:
accreditation, standards, pointers, criteria, qualityСажетак
General aims of a set of standards and pointers for quality providing are to promote and support constant improvement of quality and standards of higher education provision, the availability of public and accurate information about quality and standards of higher education provision and training, and implementation of the best international practice in the assesment an review of higher education and training programs.Criteria for accreditation define the standards that should be achieved by academic institutions in order to demonstrate a credible performance of educational activity, which will be evaluated by independent experts.Criteria for accreditation are unique and mandatory and recommendations on accreditation of academic institutions will depend on the degree of their realization.
As it's primary mission, academic institutions perform through scientific-instuctional and scientific-exploratory process,which is the main part of quality system that is developed in academic institutions.
Definition of most needed places where system of quality should be mostly present, is consisted in the following: the design of curricula and programs, students straining, realisation of curricula, accreditation of curricula, selfevaluation (audits), survey of students and stuffs,extern evaluation and accreditation, scientific-exploratory and specialized work, quality promotion,quality assurance and quality control.
А. Болоњски процес
Лисабонска конвенција, 1997.
Сорбонска декларација, 1998.
Болоњска декларација, 1999.
Саламанска конвенција, 2001.
Праг, 2001.
Берлин, 2003.
Берген, 2005.
Лондон, 2007.
Лувен, 2009.
Будимпешта – Беч, 2010.
Б. Остали извори
Оквирни закон о високом образовању у БиХ, 2007.
Заједнички пројекат „Јачање високог образовања у БиХ III“, 2009 – 2011.
Статистика образовања у БиХ