Nova škola <p>Journal Summary</p> Педагошки факултет, 76300 Бијељина en-US Nova škola 1840-0922 AFRICA AND GREENE: THE COLONIZERS AND THE COLONIZED IN „THE HEART OF THE MATTER“ (1948) <p>Graham Greene’s novel, The Heart of the Matter (1948), set in West Africa’s Sierra Leone, a then British colony during WWII, summons rethinking of its presentation of the White, the non-White people and the land of Africa. The novel deals with the themes of espionage, love, adultery, betrayal and deception. In addition, at its core this is a novel of moral dilemmas. However, this paper would like to take the focus away from the dominating themes in this piece of fiction to assess its underlying colonial issues which often go unnoticed. The process of “othering” and marginalization underlines the operation of an underlying Eurocentric attitude in the representation of the Europeans and non-Europeans in Greene’s fiction. Using the postcolonial theory as a framework, this study mainly focus on Greene’s view on Africa through his main character Scobie with all his misfortunes and the desperate search for a hint of beauty and justice knowing the worst side of human beings and natural forces.</p> Olivera S. Petrović Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 18 1 7 18 10.7251/NSK2318007P RECONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE TEACHERS ROLE TROUGHT LAWS IN THE MONTENEGRO EDUCATIONAL PROCESS <p>With the introduction of education reform, the position of teachers in teaching is also changing. The activities of teachers in achieving the goals and tasks of education are becoming more complex. This paper deals with the issue of reconceptualization of the role of teachers in the educational process, profiles of professional qualifications and changing the competencies of teachers from the so-called traditional to reformed teaching in Montenegro. Through education reform, the role of teachers as a source of information has grown into a role that will guide students on the path to acquiring knowledge. The teacher thus becomes one of the three most important factors of teaching in which the student is a subject who must be actively involved in the teaching process and work independently to gain the knowledge. The theory of constructivism advocates such an approach, according to which the student bases his/her knowledge on his/ her own experience through personal activity. Modern technology and a virtual environment help learning by discovery, but also to self-education of a teacher.</p> Tijana V. Luković Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 18 1 19 34 10.7251/NSK2318019L A SHORT SURVEY OF ENGLISH CRITICISM ON THE ROLE OF RELIGION AND CLERGY IN SHAKESPEARE’S HISTORY PLAYS <p>This paper presents a short survey of English criticism dealing with the role of religion in Shakespeare’s history plays. Religion in these plays is of a great importance from the aspect of politics. It is in this context that Shakespeare presents and criticises it. However, English and Serbian literary criticism do not deal with this aspect of Shakespeare’s critical attitude towards society. Even when the critics deal with the role of religion in his plays, they usually discuss Shakespeare’s religious belief, trying to classify him as a member of Protestant or Catholic church. The role of religion in the service of politics in Shakespeare’s history plays is completely neglected by such critics.</p> Tatjana A. Dumitrašković Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 18 1 35 44 10.7251/NSK2318035D КАТАРЗА У ИГЛАМО СЕ ЈАТА (ПРЕДСТАВЉАЊЕ ЗБИРКЕ ПОЕЗИЈЕ ИГЛАМО СЕ ЈАТА ПЈЕСНИКА ДРАГАНА МАРКОВИЋА) <p>-</p> Snježana Đoković Julija Gutalj Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 18 1 45 54 10.7251/NSK2318045DJ LITERARY TEXT – A TOY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEAKING SKILL <p>The paper discusses the function of the literary and artistic text (work) in the methodology of teaching Serbian language and literature, i.e. the methodical model of the language and literature class, and the methodology of spoken communication, i.e. the methodical organization of teacher activities in middle and older educational groups. In this case, an attempt is made to draw attention to the fact that the function of the literary and artistic text in the activities of preschool teachers, does not have the «seriousness» in the quality and quantity of analysis as it has in the teaching of literature and language. In fact, in the organization of a lesson (where the text is the subject of educational work), the content and structure of the text, especially those elements that indicate its artistic values, must not be distorted and changed arbitrarily, unless it is a creative model of the lesson. In the kindergarten activity model, the literary and artistic text serves to initiate and encourage conversations in relation between preschool teacher - group/child or child - group/child. In such an approach, the text is not an end in itself and the attention is not focused on the analysis of the text, but on the wide network of questions-answers, that the text can generate. Even the comments, inspired by the text, do not have to be limited to the topic of the text.</p> Saša M. Đukić Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 18 1 55 66 10.7251/NSK2318055DJ MODULAR TEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - REVIEW OF EXPERIENCES IN THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA <p>The aim of this article is to report on the оpinions of foreign language teachers related to the modular teaching in secondary vocational schools of the Republic of Srpska, after more than two decades since its official implementation through the EUVET program of the European Union. During the 2018/19 school year, а cross-sectional study was conducted in which fourteen foreign language teachers from Prijedor secondary vocational schools answered open-ended questions about the advantages and disadvantages of modular teaching. The results of this qualitative research confirmed the unique assessment of the teachers: at the beginning of the program, teachers were faced with two important obstacles. Namely, the first modules for teaching foreign languages were created for several professions, without correlation with the specific needs of each of them. Another mentioned obstacle is the fact that there was not a single foreign language textbook that would at least partially satisfy the requirements of modular teaching. The article, among other facts, presents the most important experiences of teachers, including the author himself, acquired after the introduction of the modular approach in teaching foreign languages.</p> Valentina Sovilj Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 18 1 67 86 10.7251/NSK2318067S THE SERVICE OF THE LAITY IN THE THEOLOGICAL THOUGHT OF NIKOLAY AFANASYEV AND FATHER GEORGU FLOROVSKY <p>Every member of the Church is first and foremost a lay person, that it, the very act of being accepted into the auspices of the Church is ordination to the rank of a lay person. The division between clerics and laymen stem from the diversity of church services, and this diversity cannot exist without joint service in the Church. All the participants of the assembly together with their superiors form one people of God, the imperial priesthood. Therefore, it is necessary that the Anaphora prayers, which represent the central part of Liturgy, are known to all present, so that their participation is realistic. In principle, the Church should nurture the spirit of charity, since the Church’s concern for the needy stem from its ethos. From the very beginning of the Church, Christians felt that they were called to actively participate in the construction of a new society in history, and in all people suffering from poverty or illness, they saw the continuation of the suffering of Christ Himself. Christianity sees the social problem as an attack on the individual and the community of individuals. The social activity of the Church should be rooted in the liturgical and soteriological experience of the Church so that it is not reduced to mere moralism. Christian love is not just an abstract concept, but a concrete way of life, which has its goal in effective service to others. The author deals with the role of the laity in the life of the Church, their involvement in charitable activities, as well as social issues that the Church should respond to, primarily in the spirit of active love, care for neighbors, witnessing its evangelical mission in this world as the only part that leads to salvation and the transformation of the entire creation indicating its Eucharistic and congregational character where true Christian love will be shown in the realization of equality according to the image of unity in the Body of Christ.</p> Dejan Lukić Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 18 1 87 98 10.7251/NSK2318087L