
  • Stevo Pašalić Универзитет У Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет У Бијељини
  • Lidija Gočević Универзитет У Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини
  • Bojan Kovačević
  • Vojkan Bojović




teaching, historical contents, innovative models


Historical contents of Social Science curriculum are sometimes very abstract, specific and difficult for students. In order to adopt them successfully it is necessary to master the basic historical concepts that are formed in complex processes of logical thinking, while the cognitive abilities of students in lower grades of primary school still largely rely on the empirical knowledge.It is therefore necessary to take into account the specific historical content and innovation in themethodological designed classes to overcome the difficulties expressed in the perception of time, understanding of historical events and the adoption of basic historical concepts.This paper presents the results of an experimental study that examined the influence of the implementation of new models in the teaching the unit about the Past,in the fifth grade.The goal is to determine the effects of teaching modeled on problem-research approach, then on the structuring content in visual form, and on the integration of practical activities and methods of games, compared to traditional teaching. The research of the impact of these teaching models on the efficiency of the acquisition of the contents about the past was carried out using the experimental method on a sample of 228 students.The study was conducted in „Sveti Sava“ Zvornikand „DesankaMaksimovic“ Celopek primary schools. The results show that the models compared to traditional instruction allow greater success of the students in the achieving the knowledge about the distant past, which indicates their effectiveness in the treatment of historical contents.


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How to Cite

Pašalić, S., Gočević, L., Kovačević, B., & Bojović, V. (2013). EFFECTS OF APLICATION OF NEW MODELS OF HISTORICAL CONTENTS TEACHING IN SOCIAL SCIENCE TEACHING. Nova škola, 8(1), 181–195. https://doi.org/10.7251/НСК1311174П