##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##:НСК1311203СКључне речи:
the crisis of school, the concept of school work, a partnership with familyСажетак
The expectations of primary school as an institution of a society, without a doubt, with the most important social mission of education, fundamental "life training" and work on the personality development of children for "healthy society", are more in sign of doubt and questioning, with the consequence that indicate a serious crisis of the theory and practice of school. The causes of such a climate, that only deepens this crisis for a long time, especially in the relationship between school and family, are diverse and complex, requiring school pedagogy and all scientific disciplines that deal with education to give a quick and clear answer and also to investigate to what extent entirely clear apologetic attitude towards to school heritage and tradition is sustained and what are the reflections of many and perhaps uncritical and ill-prepared changes that this crisis increased. The most obvious weaknesses of school include neglecting of the status of students in learning, with a clear dilemma about whether he is "an actor of school work" or an object which more or less authoritarian pedagogical measures and procedures of choice by adults, parents and teachers in the first place are directed at, whether "school duties" are being watched from the perspective of children, or school is trying its "mission impossible" to abolish "inequality of conditions" (Gruden, Z. Gruden, V., 2006.) in which they live and under which they are coming to school. In addition, it is often pointed to the “isolation of parents from school", the denial of their competence to deal with the care and education if children already go to school, which leads to dysfunctional relationships, marginalization of their objective powers of acting to a more quality school, in which parents are included with their ideas, especially from the standpoint of benefit to their child's development. So, isn’t this kind of school based on an overly "mission sanctity of knowledge," isn’t a crisis generated by inertia or lack of safe school and academic theories of pedagogy for these phenomena in practice. This paper discusses possible responses to these challenges.
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