развој мозга, рано дјетињство, предшколски период, педагошке импликацијеAbstract
Data available to modern science, thanks to the discoveries in the field of neurophysiology show that early childhood and pre-school age are the most intense period of maturation of brain structures. Viewed as a percentage, about 50% of brain development will be completed till the age of five while 70% of that development will be completed till the age of seven, and it is the quality of stimulation from social and material environment in which the child lives, that will influence the development of his biological potential. Apart from the known facts about the development of the human brain till the age if six, as a basic condition for later achievements in a man's life, this paper places special emphasis on the pedagogical implications of these findings as well as on the need to re-examine the relation of people in science but also of those in the wider social framework towards this knowledge.
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