
  • Pero Spasojević Педагошки факултет Бијељинa
  • Sanja Opsenica Педагошки факултет Бијељинa
  • Marica Travar Педагошки факултет Бијељинa
  • Slađana Miljenović Педагошки факултет Бијељинa
  • Danica Mojić ЈУ Дјечији вртић „Чика Јова Змај” Бијељина
  • Cvijanka Rakić Центар за социјални рад Бијељина



child, school, parenthood and environment


According to a number of surveys published between 2012 and 2016, warning signs of a school crisis, as well as an evident family crisis, have been observed. First of all, this indicates that there are significant disagreements between school and family in the performance of educational and educational functions. It is disturbing that teachers and parents disagree on the fundamental issues of shared responsibility for the effects of education, which could be mitigated by improving the climate of understanding and trust in school, with a significantly different effect of the environment, in the wider sense of the word. In particular, by uniting the main subjects of school work (parents, teachers, students) about modernizing and improving relationships among key stakeholders in school work. In other words, the commitment that children's future must be better understood and applied in their life context.

During the previous year, the Association of Citizens "Family Circle" in cooperation with the Faculty of Pedagogy conducted a pilot project for checking the possibilities of a special "School of Parenthood" and a clear problem was identified - the lack of mutual support of the school and the family during joint action on better development and learning. Parents, under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, have the right to professional support and empowerment of parental skills. Likewise, teachers need the improvement of competencies and mastering skills that will improve relationships and create a climate of mutual understanding and focus on the common goal - the welfare of children. Thus, instead of the usual "children's preparation for school", it would have been much more serious to consider the new school perspective, "preparing schools and environments for children", including all local capacities, especially the so-called " "Social environment" but also all natural and cultural resources of the wider and immediate surroundings of the school environment.


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How to Cite

Spasojević, P., Opsenica, S., Travar, M., Miljenović, S., Mojić, D., & Rakić, C. (2018). RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARENTALITY, SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT AND INSTITUTIONS IN PREPARING SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN. Nova škola, 13(1), 63–75.

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