
  • Pero Spasojević Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини


literacy, Eljkonjinov`s method, six year old


Elementary literacy has always been, even under the new conditions, one of the most important challenges of teaching practice in primary school children, especially in terms of favoritism of inherited methods as it is a monographic one, and of analytical and synthetic method, with the "spelling book" as inevitable, the most important symbol of old school. This as a problem becomes more acute when six year-olds start the first grade because they bring to school very different experiences and motivations, they are at one of the crucial turning points of their life in which, above all, they should "come to love school and learning" as a lifelong orientation. One of the methods of teaching reading and writing, which is the most respected in the world and for which the author received the international recognition - "Reading Hall of Honor" is a method of a well-known Russian psychologist D. B. Eljkonjin, accepted in several countries. It was logical to assume that good results would be achieved in our country, especially considering the fact that in the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet one voice is always represented by a single letter ( grapheme ). In our school practice these assumptions were tested in 2009. within a project at the Teachers` Training Faculty in Bijeljina. The assumption proved to be correct due to the method already mentioned, better results than other methods were achieved and it was evaluated very positively by teachers. The difficulties children encountered in the process of writing were less frequent which means that inclusion in the class they attended was easier too.


Ељкоњин, Д. Б. (1991). Как учит детеј читат. Москва: Знание.

Ераковић, Т. (1990). Покажи ми па ћу знати. Нови Сад: Дневник.

Каменов, Е. (2006). Васпитно-образовни рад у припремној групи дечијег вртића. Нови Сад: Драгон.

Каменов, Е. и Спасојевић, П. (2008). Азбучица. Бијељина: Педагошки факултет.

Каменов, Е. и Спасојевић, П. (2003). Методика наставног рада. Српско Сарајево: Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства.




How to Cite

Spasojević, P. (2013). INNOVATING ELEMENTARY LITERACY -PRIORITY TASK OF MODERN PRIMARY SCHOOL. Nova škola, 8(2), 18–39. Retrieved from