##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##:НСК1311010ПКључне речи:
еducational system, resources, knowledge and skills, technological changesСажетак
Every nation’s economy and its long-term development depend entirely on the quality of its human resources. The system of education is a basic infrastructural assumption of growth and development as well as a system of transport, energetic system and etc. The concept of lifetime learning and development of human resources of one system includes and coordinates different forms of learning in all periods of life. Contemporary educational system consists of schools and no school organizations connected by partnership. School is not the only educational institution so the development of human resources of one country must not be reduced to the reform of the school system only.It is already difficult to predict which knowledge and skills will be necessary and required for the next ten years. In most of professions knowledge is doubling every few years which means that knowledge of each of us needs to be doubled every 2-3 years, just to ‘’keep up’’ with changes and those not doing so will inevitably fall behind.Traditional schools and educational systems generally, quite inefficient and inflexible educational systems, educate average individuals and do not allow them to make a progress according to their abilities. At the beginning of 21st century we are faced with big changes: life, society and economy become more complex; the time in which we live is unpredictable; the nature of work is changing radically; more jobs no longer exist because of technological changes. Projected future of education as a resource in Republic of Srpska will have its foundation in learning to work ( acquisition of new knowledge that can be practically applied) learning for living together( learning about others) learning of the existence( independent and critical thinking).
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