problem-solving tasks, the integration of mathematics, combined classes, integrated classes, subject integrationAbstract
Modern mathematics teaching in the basic education cycle, as one of its main goals sets the acquisition of practical knowledge in mathematics which are necessary to understand and successfully use everyday information, and, accordingly, to have active and creative approach to the problems of real life.Bearing in mind the increasing number of combined classes in the Republic of Srpska in which two, three, four or five classes are integrated together, and the requirements of modern school in terms of acquiring comprehensive knowledge, it is necessary, whenever it is possible, to integrate mathematics curriculum at the classroom level. This establishes a mathematical communication among students of all grades which contributes to the adoption, mastering and application of new mathematical concepts, close to the age levels, to solve the same problems in life. In this sense, an important factor in teaching integrated subjects in the combined classes are problem-solving tasks that by their content are reflecting the current social events, and by their quantitative data, and linguistic formulation are adapting to learning outcomes ofintegrated classes as well. This approach of teaching mathematics in combined classes enables simultaneous active communication using mathematical language among all participants in the learning process, and a close, interesting and motivating problem-solving situations enable authentic empirical learning.
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