
  • Marina Zubac Свеучилиште у Мостару, Факултет природословно-математичких и одгојних знаности Мостар
  • Dragica Milinković Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву, Педагошки факултет Бијељина
  • Jasna Bogdanović Čurić Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву, Академија ликовних умјетности Требиње



method of illustrative works, teaching of mathematics, forms and methods of work, advantages and disadvantages


By inspecting the literature and the practical work of teachers, different forms of the method of illustrative works that are applied in the teaching of mathematics are observed. The method of illustrative works allows the complex phenomena and processes to be visualized and simplified for the purpose of better and easier understanding, and the contents are remembered and become permanent property of students. It helps to present important features of objects and phenomena and ignore irrelevant details by which students focus their attention on what is most important. In the teaching of mathematics, her role is in the visual representation of mathematical ideas and information in the process of transition from concrete to abstract forms of thinking. Visual representations combine the aspects of natural representations with formal forms in order to increase cognitive understanding. They allow learning by observing abstraction, stimulate thoughtful engagement, and increase the degree of accuracy of observation. The application of visualization contributes to the development of perceptual abilities, the training of accuracy and regularity, and the development of graphic abilities.

In this paper, the emphasis is on the advantages and disadvantages of the method of illustrative papers in the teaching of mathematics. In this sense, the aim of the paper is to present methods of work and the method of illustrative work in the teaching of mathematics through the method of theoretical analysis, through the available published professional and scientific literature.


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How to Cite

Zubac, M., Milinković, D., & Bogdanović Čurić, J. (2018). FORMS AND WAYS OF WORKING OF THE ILLUSTRATIVE WORK METHOD IN THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS. Nova škola, 13(1), 30–41.

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