changes in preschool education methods, preschool educators and their professional competenciesAbstract
This paper is entirely dedicated to the current problems of constituting preschool upbringing and education methods, their own strongholds and functional connections with other pedagogical disciplines. As it is about conceiving a ‘new’ programme and programme conception of preschool upbringing and education in this part of the world, and after a long-term break in teaching early childhood educators at the teachers’ training faculties, there is a real danger of confusion, ‘disorientation’ and taking traditional methodical models from the period of ‘intuitive pedagogy’. Thus, a ‘new orientation’ of preschool teaching practice is necessary, new methods that particularly focus on the complexity of the work with the children of this age, objectively decreased capability for any kind of ‘lecturing’ and ‘academically orientated programmes for early learning’ which directly implicate the urgent need to raise education of preschool teachers on the higher education level, but primarily based on the methods that will harmonize teaching children with their developmental capacities.
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