
  • Vesna Todorović Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини


Кључне речи:

artistic expression, child development, pedagogical approach


This paper includes an overview of the importance of artistic expression and creativity in the development of preschool and young school-age children. An artistic expression is an important form of communication of the child with himself and the world around him. Stages through which the child passes in the artistic sense reflect the development or backwardness of his personality as a whole. The creative works of children express their emotional development, intellectual, physical, development of perception as well as social and creativity development. There are regularities and errors in the pedagogical approach when developing, guiding and assessing children's expression in fine arts. The aim of this paper is to deal more serious with the ways that best cultivate children's creativity and thus a complete personality development of the child. This review covers the knowledge, experience and actions of eminent educators in the world and in our country too, dealing with the problem of art within the process of child development.


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