
  • Olivera Marković Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини
  • Vesna Todorović Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини



children's artistic creativity, meaning, significance, development of personality


Children's artistic expression is one of the main forms of development of the whole child's personality. As such, it is an important means to express children’s needs. In this paper we tried to approach the meaning and importance of children's art in the educational process and beyond. The problem of interpretation of children's art works encouraged many educators, psychologists and artists to explore the specifics of artistic expression of children that are associated with the personality of the little artist, his age and level of development in general. Visual expression helps children to express internal content, to develop the ability of observation, representation, self-confidence, perseverance, work discipline, a sense of culture and aesthetic experience. To understand children's artistic expression is a reliable door to enter the child's world and the development of the child's personality.


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How to Cite

Marković, O., & Todorović, V. (2016). CHILDREN’S ARTISTIC CREATIVITY – MEANING AND SIGNIFICANCE. Nova škola, 11(1), 287–308.