Кључне речи:
students' achievement, learning outcomes, curriculum, talentСажетак
Students' achievements or educational results are clearly stated competencies, i.e. expected knowledge, skills and abilities, and values and attitudes that students must acquire and be able to demonstrate after successfully completed teaching units, themes, curriculum, education level or educational cycles. The paper deals with comparing outcomes from the old curriculum and the curriculum from 2014. in the Republic of Srpska, which are focused on the development and support of gifted students in a class. Within all five grades, according to subjects, a detailed analysis of outcomes has been conducted providing answers to the following questions: Which curriculum is more efficient for the development of talent? Which topic provides outcomes of higher level? What are the overall possibilities of achieving outcomes of the above? Are the methodological guidelines the basis for an adequate approach to gifted students? The main criteria used in the selection of defined outcomes that contribute to the development of talent are in line with the Revised Blum's taxonomy of knowledge and cognitive processes.
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