
  • Suzana Lalović Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини


humor, theories about humor


The main goal of this paper is to define literary-theoretical concept of humor. In the first part of the paper humor is first considered in relation to similar concepts such as comical and funny while the second part of the paper offers a concrete analysis of humor. It can be viewed through theoretical explanations of Aleksandar Bošković, Nicolai Hartmann, Arthur Schopenhauer and Luigi Pirandello who all point out that humor is a particular kind of observation which requires impartiality and distancing from the subject of "everyday values and prejudices", but not in terms of emotional coldness. Thus defined humor becomes a special form of perspectivism, which among other things, includes the recognizing element.


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How to Cite

Lalović, S. (2023). DEFINING THE CONCEPT OF HUMOR. Nova škola, 10(1), 90–105. Retrieved from