
  • Slađana V Ćalasan Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву, Медицински факултет у Фочи Учитељски факултет Призрен – Лепосавић
  • Bojana Z. Vuković Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву, Медицински факултет у Фочи Учитељски факултет Призрен – Лепосавић
  • Radomir B. Arsić Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву, Медицински факултет у Фочи Учитељски факултет Призрен – Лепосавић


Кључне речи:

lexical-semantic development, parents education, younger school age children


Lexical-semantic development of children is generally observed through the development of vocabulary and the ability to define concepts. The study sample consisted of 84 children , aged 8 to 11 who attended third, fourth and fifth grade of “Sveti Sava” Primary School in Foča. The research was conducted in Foča in April and May 2015. Semantic test and Definition test were used to estimate lexical-semantic abilities of participants. In order to create more complete measure of educational structure in parents environment, we linked educational status of mother and father, for every single student. The main objective of this paper was to examine the influence of parents education on lexical-semantic abilities. The research results showed that parents educational level significantly affected lexical-semantic abilities of younger school age children.


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