
  • Sanja Opesnica Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини


Кључне речи:

parents, adolescents, compatibility


A healthy-functional family is a community which creates conditions for the development of healthy and mature members within limits of their intellectual and creative potentials and which thereby creates the feeling of belonging and solidarity by respecting individual differences and needs of its own members. Every family possesses certain behavioral repertoire, relatively consistent method of behaviour through which achieves its educational goals and establishes its relations with children in the best way. Parents must be skillful balancers between setting clear rules, demanding for their respect and responsibility of all members and maintaining warm relations with all family members at the same time – which, in fact, means strong parental alliance. Family is an independent unit of a society which in great deal depends on the society and in order to be successful in mediation between an individual and the society, constant modification and adjustment to society changes is necessary. This futher complicates difficult job that parents already have. The roles of mothers and fathers in children’s lives are very different, but it is clear that both parents are highly important and one parent is not able to compensate the other parent’s influence. This paper explores and attempts to explain the nature of pedagogical styles of behavior of parents of adolescents that were included in the research sample and their potential effect on the development of adolescents, so that the research hypothesis is: pedagogical styles of behavior of mothers and fathers are not significantly different, and the task was focused on pedagogical styles of their behavior in order to realize whether dominant pedagogical style of parental behavior exists for a certain gender and whether there is „compatibility“ of pedagogical styles of behavior of parental couples.


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