
  • Miljana Barjamović Универзитет у Новом Саду Филозофски факултет


Кључне речи:

didactic media, interactive whiteboard, Notebook software, grammatical categories in Serbian languagе


In this paper we will present the mode of innovative methodical application for one of the subjects from the Serbian morphology. The paper also includes the methodical procedures which were taken as the basis for the creation of methodical application for learning about grammatical categories in Serbian language. It was developed with the help of Notebook software suitable for the realisation of teaching on an interactive whiteboard. The aim of this research was to present the effective learning by using the innovative media, then to offer a model for organizing the future successful teaching of Serbian morphology subjects to the teachers, and thirdly, to enforce the deployment of new technologies into the teaching, which refers primarily to the interactive whiteboard and Notebook software, because they enable a more successful preparation of teaching contents and consequently more effective learning and adoption of communication and linguistic competencies by students. According to the all above-mentioned, the general goal of this research is the permanent stimulation of students curiosity about their native language, Serbian by applying information and communication technologies in teaching process, and also respecting the contemporary didactic-methodical principles, legitimacy and methods.







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