music, Greek language, foreign cadets, Hellenic Army AcademyAbstract
The diachronic interdependence between the innate linguistic ability that functions as a primary carrier of seamless communication and the polyhedral artistic incarnationsinextricably interwoven with the spontaneous externalization of experiential situations and the emotional nuances as well holds a dominant position in contemporary intercultural pedagogy.
In this paper we attempt to highlight how selected pieces of music on the one hand create positive mood, but on the other they considerably enable the foreign students of the Hellenic Army Academy to constructively understand the complex grammatico-syntactic phenomena of taught Greek language.
The conducted empirical research deploys the resultsof the educational process during a four-year (2016 – 2019) teaching of Modern Greek as a secondlanguage in the Greek Military Academy. It is based on a sample of 128 (88 male, 40 female) foreign trainee officers.The collected data refer to a distributed questionnaire and they confirm that in a significant percentage (69%) the participants perceive the systematic use of music as an extremely interesting approach, while 75% of them notes higher self-motivation and greater willingness for essential attendance.
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