
  • Dragan D. Martinović Универзитет у Београду Учитељски факултет
  • Veljko R. Banđur Универзитет у Београду Учитељски факултет
  • Vladimir R. Živanović Универзитет у Београду Учитељски факултет



excursion, physical activity, pupils, attitudes


Contemporary urban life andschool of urban child, on the one hand develop a wide range of intellectual abilities, but on the other hand deny the conditions of education that develop skills and dispositions rooted in genetics, human development, and accordance with nature. The positive effects of staying in nature are reflected in the health and hygiene, psychosocial, sports and recreational and educational character. The aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of students on the excursion as a form of physical activity. The study included 312 third and fourth grade students from three elementary schools on the territory of Belgrade. The method applied is nonexperimental research, as a technique which is used in particular made survey. Based on the results obtained in this study 40.7% of the students during their schooling were not on the excursion, while 85.5% of students would prefer to spend more time on trips. 96.2% of students have positive feelings toward excursions primarily due to socializing and spending time outdoors, which is the practical value of this work. The results indicate the need for a systematic, organized excursions for students as a form of physical activity.


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How to Cite

D. Martinović, D., R. Banđur, V., & R. Živanović, V. (2023). ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE EXCURSION AS A FORM OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY . Nova škola, 14(1), 31–40.

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