
  • Dragan D. Martinović Универзитет у Београду Учитељски факултет
  • Dragan S. Branković Универзитет у Београду Учитељски факултет
  • Vladimir R. Živanović Универзитет у Београду Учитељски факултет
  • Vladan M. Pelemiš Универзитет у Београду Учитељски факултет



Кључне речи:

primary school, pupils, motor skills, physical education


This paper presents the results of studies of motor skills of elementary school students of the city and surrounding municipalities on the territory of Belgrade with the aim to investigate possible differences. The study included 85 patients, divided into two subsamples, of which 40 pupilsfrom “Branko Ćopić” primary school from Belgrade, the municipality Rakovica and 45 pupils from “Aca Milosavljević” primary school from Rušanj, the municipalityČukarica. Testing was conducted in december 2016 and all participants attended the seventh grade, and they were of the age 14+ 6 months.8 motor tests from “EUROFIT” battery of tests were used in the paper. There is a statistically significant difference between respondents of the municipality of Rakovica and Čukarica in arithmetic means of applied motor variables in favor of those from Čukarica in all variables at the level of significance (p<0.01), except in the variable sit-ups for 30 seconds, which is not a statistically significant difference. We can conclude that students from the municipality of Čukarica showed better motor skills.


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