
  • Drago Brankovic


competencies, triads, class-subject teaching, models of curriculum


Complex problems of defining general and specific professional competencies have been in the focus of interest of major number of pedagogues in the past couple of years. In addition to that, curriculum theory has not provided answers to fundamental theoretic-methodological questions in regard to defining of competencies. Implications of such a state in drafting of curriculum are becoming more expressed. A particular problem lies in curriculum for future teachers studies based on Bologna process.

By primary education reform and developing of the concept of contemporary nine-year long primary school install a fundament for micro organisation of teaching in triads (class, class-subject and subject teaching). Such a concept resembles European models for primary school. Differing from a contemporary concept practical solutions still maintain traditional concept of class and subject teaching. Maintaining of such a model of primary school teaching is primarily influenced by lack of educated teachers of class-subject teaching.

Initial problem for educating teachers of class-subject teaching represents lack of precisely defined competencies of such teachers’ profile. In focus of our interest is a complex theoretic-methodological question of defining of teachers’ competences for class-subject teaching. Our thinking in relation to this problem have been focused on critical analysis of new definitions of the idea of competency, which is determined by psychophysical capabilities and attributes (characteristics) of personalities, and constructs of competencies (knowledge, skills, opinions and attitudes). On the basis of contemporary understanding of competencies’ basics and their constructs it is possible to identify teachers’ competencies and competencies for teachers of class-subject teaching. On the basis of identifies competencies this paper presents two models of curricula (synergetic model and divergent model) for education of future teachers of class-subject teaching.


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How to Cite

Brankovic, D. (2011). DEFINITION OF COMPETENCIES FOR TEACHERS OF CLASS-SUBJECT TEACHING. Nova škola, 6(8), 65–78. Retrieved from