metamemory, metacognition, historical development of metacognition, Vygotsky, Piaget, Flavell, Brown, Sternberg, cognitive psychologists, construtivisamAbstract
This paper deals with some aspects of historical development of metacognition. Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget included processes regarded as metacognitive in their theories of children's thinking. This transition from other-regulation to self-regulation is in the early regarded as a mark of metacognitive development. Piaget theorized that peers challenge one another's thoughts and thus advance their cognitive development. Challenging children to reflect on their own thinking is in fact challenging metacognition. Research on metacognition had its origins in the 1970s work of Flavell. This work focused on children's metamemory, that is, their knowledge and control of their memory processes. Ann Brown defines metacognition as thinking about one own learning and understanding and determins it as metacognitive experience. Further, Sternberg’ s triarhical model of intelligence is important root for metacognition. We didn't neglect role and relevance of cognitive psychologists and of representatives of construtivisam in the development of metacognition.
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