personality traits, job satisfaction, motivation of employees, primary educationAbstract
The aim of this paper is to determine which dimensions from the Big Five model represent significant predictors of job satisfaction of employees in primary education that was surveyed by MSQ. The sample consisted of 350 teachers and principals from primary schools in Loznica (70% of female examinees). It also included Categorical variables: gender, workplace and length of working experience were included, too. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was applied. Categorical variables constitute the first block of predictors, whereas personality traits constitute the second one. The results show that categorical variables explain 7% of the variability of intrinsic job satisfaction and personality traits explain 14%. Partial contributions of gender and length of working experience are significant, so as partial contributions of dimensions: conscientiousness, extraversion and openness to experience are significant, too. Categorical variables do not contribute to differences in extrinsic job satisfaction. Personality dimensions explain 11% of the variability of extrinsic job satisfaction. Openness to experience and agreeableness has significant, but negative impact on extrinsic satisfaction. The research results are useful in the selection of human resources and the choice of methods of motivating employees.
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