
  • Rada R. Mandić Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет Бијељина
  • Mirjana Rakić Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет Бијељина
  • Milana Gajić Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет Бијељина
  • Sanja Antić Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет Бијељина



geographical content, logical thinking, experiential learning


Geography in elementary grades is often interesting, but it also very often leads to problems in adopting the multitude of information which is for children's understanding of space and the world very confusing. In order for students to successfully adopt these skills, they must first understand the basic geographic concepts.

The aim of the research is to analyze the curriculum in order to identify geographic features and their classification in the elementary grades and determine their influence on the formation of geographical logical thinking in students.

The basic hypothesis is based on the assumption that the curriculum for primary education in the Republic of Srpska in the elementary grades, should be enriched with contents of geographic character that should be presented by relevant textbooks.

We included more subjects as sample surveys which are: My environment in the first grade, Nature and Society in the second, third, and fourth grade and of Nature and Knowledge of Society in the fifth grade.


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How to Cite

R. Mandić, R., Rakić, M., Gajić, M., & Antić, S. (2016). THE FUNCTION OF GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION SKILLS IN ELEMENTARY GRADES. Nova škola, 11(1), 202–212.