Methods of teaching mathematics, Faculties of Education, Academic plan and syllabusAbstract
At the beginning of the '70s of the 20th century, the need to place teachers at a higher level of education due to general socio-cultural and technical and technological advancement of the population of that time emereged in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Faculties of Education could no longer educate teaching-related majors due to the fact, according to ceratin authors, that they stagnated in terms of modern general knowledge education and adequate professional pedagological and psychological as well as didactic and methodical education. Among other Republics in former SFRY, Faculty of Education Foundation Act was enacted also by Parliamentary Assambly of Socialistic Bosnia and Herzegovina. The places where Faculties of Education were founded in Bosnia and Herzegovina were: Sarajevo, Mostar, Banjaluka and Tuzla. All departments founded then at the Faculties of Education started enrolling full-time and part-time students the same year they were opened (1969) with the exceptions of Department of Teacher Education and Department of Preschool Education Studies which enrolled students later. The Faculties of Education and their work signified also changes in academic plans and syllabuses. The authors of this paper will devote special attention to analysis of academic plans and syllabuses at the Faculties of Education, i.e., Department of Teacher Education with special emphasis on syllabuses for Fundamentals of Mathematics and Methods of Mathematics Teaching which did not exist in academic plans at the Faculties of Education but which appear, for the first time, in the process of education teaching-related majors.
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