
  • Бојана Р. Мастило Медицинаски факултет Фоча, Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву
  • Андријана Б. Бакоч Медицинаски факултет Фоча, Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву
  • Ивана С. Зечевић Медицинаски факултет Фоча, Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву




developmental abilities, younger school children, general school success


The abilities are defined as an indicator of the success of understanding or solving problem situations and performing activities. The aim of the research is to determine the specificity of the developmental abilities necessary for successful mastering of school skills and their connection with the overall school success in younger school children. The semple consists 215 students, 121 (56.3%) boys and 94 (43.7%) girls, attending primary school "Sveti Sava" in Foča, aged from 8 to 11. Respondents were tested group during the second semester, 2016/2017. Acadia Developmental Abilities Test (ACADIA) where used for the assesment sensory, psychomotor and cognitive abilities as an important prerequisites of school achievement. Most results (82.3%) are age appropriate, while 17.7% deviate from age norms: 14.4% with elements of learning disabilities (<1SD) and 3.3 % with specific learning disabilities (<2 SD). ACADIA showed low correlation with general school success.

Considering that developmental abilities are important not only for school success, but for other spheres of life, it is necessary to detect certain deviations in time, to create an appropriate form of treatment, as well as stimulating school environment.


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How to Cite

Р. Мастило, Б., Б. Бакоч, А., & С. Зечевић, И. (2018). РАЗВОЈНЕ СПОСОБНОСТИ КОД ДЈЕЦЕ МЛАЂЕГ ШКОЛСКОГ УЗРАСТА. Nova škola, 13(1), 85–97. https://doi.org/10.7251/NSK1801085M