etic, internet, social network, parents, childrenAbstract
This paper describes the internet as a global computer network. It elaborates on the ethics relevant in the field of information technologies that are best represented as a branch of philosophy which deals with moral rules, standards, and principles for addressing pertinent concrete problems. In short, social networks are portrayed as a type of internet service. They are primarily used for interconnecting users. While they were initially intended to connect adults, we believe that they have been more embraced by young people today and as time progresses, more so by children under the age of 13.
The main goal is to present the results of a survey conducted in the 4th and 5th grades in the elementary school Jovan Dučić in Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The survey questions children's use of the internet and social networks. Through this work, we wanted to draw attention to the negative consequences that can arise when children use the internet and social networks without supervision. We also make some recommendations for parents and children, as to how to combat these negative phenomena associated with internet use that young children don’t fully internalize or comprehend.
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