family, parents of preschool children, parenting, parents' pedagogical competenceAbstract
This article is the author's presentation of the research aimed at examining the attitudes of preschoolers' parents on parenting competences. The research sample consisted of 105 parents of preschool children from the territory of the municipality of Novi Bečej. The instrument used was the Questionnaire on the sense of parenting competences, consisting partly of Parenting Sense of Competence Scale (Gibaud-Wallston&Wandersman, 1978)ed thaRespondents answered that they agreed with the items „Being a parent is a reward in itself“ (61.90%), „I learned that child care problems can be easily solved when you learn how your actions affect the child“ (60.95%), but also with „My parents were better prepared to be good parents than I am“ ( 48.57%), „Sometimes I have the feeling that I do not achieve anything“(45.72%). The obtained results indicate that although parents are satisfied with their role, it also put pressure on them, and there is opportunity for improvement of competences, which would further strengthen their parenting skills.
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