
  • Gordana Spasojevic-Stojanovic Педагошки факултет у Бијељини
  • Desanka Trakilovic Педагошки факултет у Бијељини


Кључне речи:

traditional music, folk songs and dance, musical literacy, musical ability


This paper highlights the importance of folk songs and dances in the teaching the subject of Music and examines their role in the musical development of students with various aspects.

The cultural tradition of Bosnia & Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska have produced a large number of folk songs and dances. The wealth of melodies and rhythms, movements and steps build a relationship towards their own and other people's cultural heritage. Folk tunes (tracks) have their language (content) melodic and rhythmic specificity, which carry the characteristics of the music of the people from whom they have originated. The folk song has survived and experienced a certificate, passing through many generation and becoming part of the heritage of the people of a certain geographical area.

Methodical examination and updating the folk songs and dances contributes to the affirmation of the role of traditional music in an organized system of teaching music.

The tasks of teaching music are musical literacy of students and encouraging the development of musical abilities.

After many years of artistic work and research, prominent musical educators have come to the conclusion that the use of folk songs and dances are the most natural way in the initial set of musical literacy.

The work on the musical development of students must rely on the roots of folk singing, and that is why the starting point in music literacy must be the people's tonal bases (rhythmic and melodic).


Биографије аутора








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