https://doi.org/10.7251/NS1601380MКључне речи:
vocal-instrumental teaching, songs for children, children instruments, child voice careСажетак
The aim of the research is to determine level of active participation of preschool and younger school children in vocal-instrumental ensembles, under the musical activities and trough the curriculum of the subject of Music Culture. Research included one hundred young school aged examinees ( fifty girls and fifty boys) which were 5-6 years old at the time of the research and one hundred young school aged examinees (fifty-one girls and forty-nine boys) which were in the second grade at the moment of research.
The main goal of this research is to examine representation vocal-instrumental ensembles and level of knowledge with respect to gender. The study includes a vocal performance of songs and precision of playing the rhythmic instruments. The results have shown that there are statistically significant differences in demonstrated skills of vocalinstrumental performing of music among preschool examinees (girls and boys) and second graders examinees (girls and boys). Based on the results of c2 test, it is concluded that there are differences in demonstrated skills of vocal-instrumental performing of music among preschool examinees (girls and boys) and second graders examinees (girls and boys), with respect to gender.
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