teacher competencies, teaching and learning, professional development of teachers, teaching nature and societyAbstract
A teacher must think about his work every day, always finding new ways to innovate old methods. It is necessary to respond to the demands of modern society, to cope and acquire the art of functioning in a multicultural environment, inclusive work, in communication with parents, in the field of constant curriculum change and the advancement of information technology. Professional development in this profession is reflected in the lifelong upgrading of competencies related to: teaching area, subject and teaching methodology, teaching and learning, support for student personality development, and communication and cooperation. The aim of this paper is to define the theoretical starting point of teachers’ competencies for teaching and learning, with special reference to the teaching of nature and society. The teacher competent for teaching and learning encourages students to understand the matter and problems, handle information, realize knowledge transfer, create new ideas and products, as well as evaluate it. Students will always recognize in teachers the expertise, will and continuous work on progress, which will additionally encourage them to achieve better results.
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