
  • Ana Vila Дом за децу, Ветерник
  • Sanja Opsenica Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини


speech, disorders, gender


By observing the speech and language status of preschool age children for the last few years, a growing increase in scpeech and language difficulties can be seen, whether it is about the articulation difficulties, slow development in speech or difficulties related to the language use. The main objective of this research, as well as the entire problem-solving orientation of this paper was the perceive the presence of speech and language disorders in relation to gender. The data obtained indicated a predominant number of boys with speech and language difficulties in comparison to girls. The explanation for this gender discrepancy may be supported by the fact that the development of the brain in males is slower, and that the developmental deficiencies are five times more common in boys than in girls. Males show a slower maturation of the dominant left hemisphere, especially present in chromosomal disorders, thus, a genetically determined speech disorders are more evident in male family members. The results of this paper open up new fields in the study of gender differentiation in terms of speech and language development as well as later gained communication abilities and skills.


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How to Cite

Vila, A., & Opsenica, S. (2023). TESTING THE PRESENCE OF SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DISORDERS IN PRESCHOOL AND EARLY SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN. Nova škola, 10(1), 78–89. Retrieved from https://novaskola.pfb.ues.rs.ba/index.php/ns/article/view/137