DOI:čne reči:
teaching, motivation, foreign language, demanding students, study programsApstrakt
This paper is focused on the challenges in the teaching English as a foreign language, and the various practices that come out of the experience of the teachers. Considering the fact that English today is referred to as an universal language, the teachers combine the linguistics, the pedagogy and the analyses of the needs of their students in order to re-adapt the syllabus and to satisfactorily respond to the specific necessities of the students, thus helping them to become fluent speakers of English. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to present the various challenges and issues that the teachers are facing at work, as well as, to point out to solutions. Within the paper, chapter two refers to the criteria of the quality education and the introduction of the critical thinking within the methodology of teaching a foreign language. Chapter three gives an overview on the positive results due to the change in the study programs which are inevitably linked to the practical benefits from implementation of the new technology devices as a compulsory tool for work. Chapter four provides conclusion and recommendation.
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