https://doi.org/10.7251/NS1601020PКључне речи:
population education, population policy, fertility, educationСажетак
The aim of the research is to have an effect on demographic recovering of the Republic of Srpska by applying the new module. Demographic future of the Republic of Srpska is very uncertain in view of long term negative trends, low fertility rate measured by rate of total fertility, long term natural decrease of population. The modern scientific methods were used in this research (PERT, WBS metohods, CPM, multhi-multhi method etc.) through which an explicit results were found (creating awareness of the necessity of increased birth rate). Population development of the Republic of Srpska with very different regional characteristics is followed by problems that lead to undesirable demographic, economic and social consequences. The population is a base of all planning and it is not renewable by itself. Development planning and population restoration of Srpska is primary interest. The matter of the answer to problem of low birth rate is, however, extremely complex due to the lack of knowledge in terms of achieving the level of birth rate that is necessary for the renewal of generations. Experiences of developed countries suggests that regardless of the significant difference in economic, socio-political and value system, and also in institutional basis of population politics, there is also a significant degree of uniformity of goals, direction of measures and definitive term of applied measures. Maximum fortified effect is an increase in completed fertility up to 10%. Consideration of insufficient efficiency of measurements that are implemented indicates that political answer needs to be intensive, complete, exploratory, direct, long term and strategic. Population education is recognized as an important element of population policy. Activation of education as a key holder and actualizing of population education program is a basic purpose of this guide.
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