##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##:Кључне речи:
abiotic factors, vegetation, Copernicus, Republic of SrpskaСажетак
The life activity of plants takes place under the influence of the external environment, which means climate, soil, geological substrate and other plant and animal organisms or human activity. All environmental factors can be separated into: abiotic (climate, soil, relief, etc.) and biotic (phytogenic, zoogenic and anthropogenic). The paper presents an overview of the distribution of basic vegetation types in the Republic of Srpska (RS) and analyzes the influence of abiotic factors on their occurrence. Several databases of the Copernicus Land Monitoring System (CLMS) were used, a European program for geophysical observation of the Earth’s surface by remote sensing. Copernicus Forest and Copernicus Grassland - databases on forests and grass vegetation - were taken as the primary data source and selected for the territory of RS. These high-resolution raster data for 2018 show that RS is covered with forests with 60.1% of the territory and grass vegetation with 19.7%. In order to determine the influence and intensity of abiotic factors on the geographical distribution of vegetation, data on climate, altitude, soil, etc. were used.
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