https://doi.org/10.7251/NSK1801165SКључне речи:
Body Mass Index, Differences, Children, Sport School of the Teacher Training FacultyСажетак
The body weight index is a weight-weight indicator of body weight. Exposure to sedentarylifestyle in children and adults today is greater than ever. Thanks to its simplicity and affordability in assessing overweight levels, the body mass index is the most popular method for assessing the degree of nutrition. Increased body mass index in children is becoming more and more concerned. A sample of a total of 30 respondents divided into two subgroups of 16 boys and 14 girls, a faculty of the School of Sport at the Faculty of Education, conducted a survey in order to examine the differences in the body mass index. The research was transversal. All subjects were pre-school aged 4 to 6 years from the territory of the City of Bijeljina. For the purposes of the research, we measured body weight and body height, and based on them we calculated the body mass index and its percentile values for children. The results of the study were analyzed according to the reference values of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2000).
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