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Multidisciplinary, learning trough real situation, modeling, mathematics, materialsСажетак
The paper presents a reflection on contemporary flows in mathematics teaching that imply multidiscipline and learning mathematics through real situations by modeling and using technology. Multidisciplinarity is considered a very effective way of learning, which Schubert (1993) calls ”Real Window to the World”. Lipson and associates (1993) notice that a multidisciplinary approach allows for a faster and more efficient transfer of knowledge and that students understand better why they are learning a topic. This approach in the teaching process sometimes encounters difficulties, but with good planning it is possible to organize it well and achieve good results.
In this paper, we illustrate a multidisciplinary approach to classroom teaching, through a concrete model of teaching, which was designed and implemented in Elementary and Secondary School with the student home ”Petro Kuzmjak” in the Russian Krstur in Serbia. The activities were realized at classes of regular teaching, with the connection of mathematics with art culture, the world around us and civic education. Special emphasis is placed on peer education, the development of altruism among pupils, both elementary and secondary school age. The main theme of all activities were materials and materials science. The activities involved mathematical tasks that are related to topics related to different materials, recycling, art and events around us.
Qualitative results point to the importance of this approach to mathematics learning, given the good acceptance of both learners and teachers, and are certainly a recommendation for its more frequent application and further study.
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