Кључне речи:
ogical-mathematical content activity, the formation of mathematical concepts, methods of problem situations, problem-solving tasks, logical-mathematical thinkingСажетак
The content of pre-school mathematics and mathematics education at all levels, is characterized by abstraction, which limits their adoption to the thought processes and the formation of concepts. Unlike to the fact that the empirical origin, and to be adopted in other fields of education work in kindergarten, the adoption of mathematical concepts is a continuous process of solving various numerical and essay-type questions. Mathematical tasks, therefore, constitute a means of adopting content preschool children logicalmathematical activities.
To develop mathematical concepts is extremely important method of problem situations, which, unlike other methods of educational work, engaging the overall intellectual potential of the child. Given its widespread acceptance in preschool pedagogy, problem solving method finds its application through problem solving adjusted level of mental development and specifics of preschool age.
In order to achieve their educational purpose, problem-solving tasks on the one hand, must comply with mathematics as a science and to psychology in terms of development of logical-mathematical thinking, and on the other, they must meet certain methodological requirements, particularly the gradual crossing the practical and perceptual, concrete ways of presenting to the abstract-symbolic.
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