
  • Ivana Švagelj Учитељски факултет Свеучилишта у Загребу
  • Tomislav Topolovčan Учитељски факултет Свеучилишта у Загребу



Кључне речи:

multimedia teaching, traditional teaching, teachers, pre-service teachers, new media, elementary education, student centered teaching


Today children live in a multimedia environment, and come to school with developed skills to use new media in such an environment. On the other side, the most of the teaching is still organized according to traditional principles where the teaching focused on teachers is dominating. Nowadays children from such multimedia environments

require different teaching that interest them and is focused on students, and the teacher has a key role in organizing teaching this way. In this context the study was conducted. The aim of this study was to examine the opinions of teachers in practice and pre-service teachers (students) about multimedia teaching and traditional teaching. Sample (N = 145) consisted of 82 teachers in elementary schools and 63 students fifth year of study at Faculty of teacher education, University of Zagreb, Department of Čakovec. For the purposes of the research, a Likert scale (of five degrees) questionnaire was constructed: for opinions on a multimedia teaching with six manifest statements, and for opinions about traditional teaching with four manifest statements. Respondents were asked to complete the questionnaire by paper-pen method during the March of 2012. The analysis showed that the respondents (in the whole sample) with positive opinions about traditional teaching have more negative opinions about multimedia teaching, further showed that teachers think more positive about the traditional teaching than pre-service teachers. On the other side, pre-service teachers have more positive opinion about multimedia teaching than teachers in practice. It has been shown that the both, primary education and subject teachers, have the same neutral opinion about traditional teaching, while subject teachers think more positive about the multimedia teaching than primary education teachers. Although it is clear that pre-service teachers have shown more positive attitude towards multimedia teaching, the key into organizing such teaching is that the future teachers are initially trained for it and prepared for lifelong learning in further practice.


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