
  • Tatjana Dumitrašković Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет у Бијељини



Кључне речи:

drama, foreign language teaching, drama activities, language skills


This paper offers some theoretical insight into the value of drama for foreign language teaching. Drama provides cultural and language enrichment by revealing insights into the target culture and making language contexts memorable by placing them in a realistic social and physical context. There are many reasons as to why we should use drama activities in the foreign language classroom. Drama by its very nature involves students in social contexts where they are required to think, talk, manipulate concrete materials, and share viewpoints in order to make decisions. Reading plays and doing drama activities can help communication, motivation, speaking skills, team work, collaboration and building up confidence between students and teachers. These activities are always fun and entertaining and can provide motivation to learn. It can also provide varied opportunities for different uses of language.


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