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educational standards, competencies, learning processСажетак
In our country teaching staff education generally takes four years. Still, the curricula that contain relatively fixed relations between general and vocational subjects, are sructured in a rather traditional way. There are attempts to explore the relation between what is taught at faculties and teacher competencies necessary for educational practice. Most of our authors think that the general views of the European Union on the necessary competencies for teaching, should be taken into consideration, which can be considered reasonable with regard to the process of integration. This paper is an attempt to exlain that in preparing teachers to work in modern dimensioned educational process at least two attitudes must be appreciated. They are as follows:
- the capacity to systematically assess the basic knowledge and professional practice of individuals on the basis of a wide range of criteria that come from practice and research
- the capacity to critically examine approach to innovation and professional development.
There is a need for the adoption of professional standards which should reflect the quality. This means all that teachers know and understand, what they believe in and what they are able to work as experts in their field. For that purpose, we have conducted a survey in which the headmasters, teachers and mentors evaluated the competence of teachers in their schools on the basis of a questionnaire drawn up by the model proposed by the European Commission.
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