Кључне речи:
family, population policy, preschool and school age populationСажетак
The importance of this scientific research lies in defining and determining the structure of modern families in Republic of Srpska, that directly effect the future state of preschool and school age population. The aim of the research is to determine the influence of demographic determinants of development (economic, social, health, cultural, educational, political, etc.) on the shaping of the modern family, as well as the motives and reasons for realized or unrealized reproduction, obtained from the attitudes and opinions of the respondents. Unfavorable demographic situation in our country is the result of unfavorable trends, which results in aging of the population, reducing the working age of the population, reducing the proportion of young fertile women, and permanent abandonment of villages, so that families have to adapt to modern life in a city. All this neglects the role of a woman as the main carrier of reproduction. The number of births in one year has a direct impact on the number of preschool and school age population. The general fertility rate is the main indicator of students' capacity. In order to analyse attitudes about family planning, we used a method of random sampling which included 500 female subjects, average age of 27, from different rural and urban centers. The significance of this paper is reflected in the results that show the potential number of children that could sit in the future classrooms. The research conducted indicates the current state as well as the problems and possible solutions that would have positive impacts on family planning in the near future.
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