https://doi.org/10.7251/NSK1914073CКључне речи:
definition, dysgraphy, children of younger school ageСажетак
Ability to define concepts is one of the indicators of the lexical-semantic development of children of the younger school age. Dysgraphia is a disorder of written expression that is characterized by the fact, that the writing skill is significantly below the expected, considering the chronological age of the child, the average or above average intelligence score, the appropriate sensory and motor functioning and adequate learning conditions. The main goal of this paper was to examine the ability to define concepts in children with dysgraphia. The Test for Speech Development – defnitions tasks, was applied in the research. This test assessed lexical-semantic functioning. The research was conducted in three primary schools in Eastern Herzegovina, in 2016/2017 school year. The sample included 84 examinees, 42 students with diagnosed dysgraphia, who made an experimental group and 42 students in a control group, with a coherent manuscript. Based on the results of our research, we concluded that children with dysgraphia have significantly less developed ability to define concepts in relation to children with neatly developed writing skills. This is reflected in the quality of the definition and its length. These findings point to the need to provide additional support in the lexicon development and enriching the vocabulary for children with difficulty in writing.
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