six-year-olds, kindergarten, teacher, the school of the futureAbstract
The key event in the life of every child is his primary school enrollment because it changes his life from the ground up and he should be provided maximum support in order to better respond to the challenges that school sets before him. Is a six –year-old child ready for whatever awaits him in first grade? How to prepare him while still in kindergarten for "going out into the world"? Is today's school ready for a multitude of questions and fantasies of a six-year-old? The author tries to answer the above questions with reference to the physical and mental status of six-year-olds and according to the guidelines that Antropova and Koljcova gave in their book titled "Psychophysiological Maturity of Children," to show that these children are ready to leave kindergarten. One of the aims of the paper is to highlight the role of educators in kindergarten, as an important link between families, kindergartens and schools. The paper also points out the importance of parents to prepare children for school, and this is dicsussed in Mitrovic`s book "Mom and Dad start school." In a word, the intention of the author is to support the belief in the power of early childhood and readiness of six-year-olds to become "first graders" in school that we could proudly call "school of the future".
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