
  • Драгица Ц. Милинковић Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Педагошки факултет Бијељина
  • Јелена Н. Бозало Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Филозофски факултет Пале



task, math textbooks, problem solving, problem situation


Math problems can be considered to be the focus of all math textbooks because they provide a student with necessary tools to learn, practice, and verify the information learned. It is a well-known fact that math is learned by solving various math problems, in order to fully understand and grasp the concept. In addition, the quality of the problem is based on the amount of alternative methods shown, in order to appeal to students with all learning styles. In this paper, our aim was to examine the representation of tasks i mathematics textbooks that have the potential to cause a problem situation and thus contribute to problem solving.. By completing a meta-analysis on the literature, the problems were categorized and assessed on how approachable the problem would be to the average student. According to our findings from the textbook, every third problem had the potential to cause problems to a student. The teacher's job is to recognize these problems and work through them during class because it will lead the students to better understand the concepts, thereby furthering their knowledge of the subject matter.


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How to Cite

Ц. Милинковић, Д., & Н. Бозало, Ј. (2016). MATHEMATICS TEXTBOOKS TASKS IN THE FUNCTION OF PROBLEM-SOLVING. Nova škola, 11(1), 139–155.