motor skills, experimental treatment, martial artsAbstract
For the sake of the work we started a meta-analysis in order to collect the results of research relating to the impact of the experimental treatment of martial arts on the development of motor skills in children younger school age in our region and beyond. The analysis of the research leads to the conclusion that the use of martial arts training positively affect the development of motor abilities and skills, there is a significant improvement at the end of the experimental treatment in all measured variables of motor abilities, and that an experimental treatment training significantly affects the development of motor skills in young athletes. Motor abilities of athletes are at a significantly higher level compared to non-athletes, for continuous and programmed process of exercise contributes to much-needed development of the young man in the motor, functional and health terms. Motor skills are crucial for the development of competitive efficiency athletes younger school age the explosive strength, coordination, muscular endurance, and the dominant status of strength and endurance. Continuous and programmed treatment martial arts contributes to proper development of a young man.
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