
  • Radomir Arsić Учитељски факултет у Призрену-Лепосавићу
  • Srboljub Đorđević Педагошки факултет у Врању
  • Bojana Vuković Медицински факултет у Фочи
  • Lucija Đorđević ШОСО „Вуле Антић“, Врање




deaf children, writing, communication, socialization


Reading and writing are the cognitive skills that are inextricably linked and have a lot of participation in the development pismenosti.Teško to imagine how to deaf children literate and socialized without these skills, no matter how hard they were conquered by them. Deaf people can not live in isolation without interacting with the middle of the hearing, and therefore mastering the skills of reading and writing significantly in their expression and communication.

This study examined the relationship of the environment in which the deaf child lives (family or boarding school) in relation to the development and use of writing skills in their socialization and participation in the community. We used Doll Social Maturity Scale (Vineland social maturity scale - Doll) and its sub-scales for communication. The sample included 52 deaf students from 7 to 16 years, according to a uniform level of hearing loss (more than 80 dB) and a regular intelligence.

The results point to the lack of statistcal signaficance in total average on the subscale for communication (t=0,470; no significance). Statistical significance appeared only a few items, but the general conclusion that there is no evidence of the negative impact of institutional accommodation of deaf children to use writing skills, but to use these skills depends not only on the age of children.


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How to Cite

Arsić, R., Đorđević, S., Vuković, B., & Đorđević, L. (2017). WRITHING IN DEAF STUDENTS WHO ARE EDUCATED IN SPECIAL SCHOOLS AND IN DIFFERENT SYSTEMS HOUSING IN PROCESS THEIR SOCIALIZATION. Nova škola, 12(1), 105–115. https://doi.org/10.7251/NSK1701089S