
  • Ranka Perućica Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Медицински факултет Фоча Филозофски факултет Пале
  • Olivera Kalajdžić Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Медицински факултет Фоча Филозофски факултет Пале
  • Vesna Cvjetinović Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Медицински факултет Фоча Филозофски факултет Пале
  • Andrijana Bakoč Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Медицински факултет Фоча Филозофски факултет Пале
  • Ivana Zečević Универзитет у Источном Сарајеву Медицински факултет Фоча Филозофски факултет Пале



deep approach, surface approach, dominant target orientation, performative avoidable target orientation and performative confirmatory target orientation


The aim of this paper is to examine whether there is a connection between learning approaches and target orientations in learning among primary school students. Our main hypothesis is that there is a connection between learning approaches and target orientations in learning in primary school students. The sample of the research consisted of students from the seventh, eighth and ninth grades from the area of Sarajevo - Romanija region. On the basis of the obtained research results, we have obtained a connection between student learning approaches and targeted learning orientations. Students who use a deeper approach to learning in their learning experience show a high positive correlation with the dominant target orientation. The correlation of the deep learning approach with the perfomative avoidable target orientation is negative, and with the performative confirmatory is low and negative. Students with a superficial learning approach show a high positive correlation with the implementation-avoiding target orientation. The correlation between the surface approach and the performative avoidable target orientation and the dominant target orientations is very low and almost nonexistent. In correlation with the performative confirmative it is positive and with the dominant orientation it is negative. From the obtained results we can conclude that the deeper approach to learning follows the dominant target orientation and that in such situations it is about students who want to master the content in the right way to expand their knowledge.


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How to Cite

Perućica , R., Kalajdžić, O., Cvjetinović, V., Bakoč, A., & Zečević, I. (2023). CONNECTION OF LEARNING APPROACHES AND TARGET ORIENTATIONS IN LEARNING IN STUDENTS OF FINAL GRADES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL. Nova škola, 14(1), 7–20.