Prevalence, deformities of the spine, the younger school ageAbstract
Findings of numerous studies and systematic reviews in zemiLji and the region say they are deformities of the spinal column rising from year to year. Various deformities that are present in the musculoskeletal system in children in the developing fetus may be endogenous and exogenous factors. Transversal study was conducted with the aim to determine the frequency of spinal deformity in children younger school-age children from Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The sample consisted of 50 patients were divided into two subgroups. One subsample consisted of boys and 25 of them, and the other was made up of 25 girls. Istraževanje was conducted in 2014/15 school year, all of the respondents at the time of measurement attended the second grade of elementary school "Jovan Ducic" in Bijeljina. For detection and frequency of postural disorders used is one of the most sophisticated computer methods to the 3D measure the curvature of the spine Spine Win Pointer Zebris Medical. The results show a worrying trend of increasing spinal deformity with the analyzed sample of respondents younger school-age children from Bijeljina.
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